Friday, October 5, 2012

Religion and Science

One of the topics that I read about a lot includes religion facing off against science. And it irks me to no end.

I found this on pinterest:

(I will add this when I get home because apparently, pinterest is blocked. In the meanwhile, imagine a picture that describes our position in the known universe and how tiny we are. At the bottom, there is a picture of a scientist that basically says, "Where is your god now?")

It is the opinion of many famous astrophysicists, at least the ones I know about. Their job is to figure out the motions of planets and stars, and other things like it. Obviously I know so much about it. Anyways, along the way of becoming an astrophysicist, they become highly atheist. I guess figuring out that planets move and the universe is expanding is reason enough to give up believing in a higher power. I've also seen on popular TV shows that creationism and the Big Bang theory have no place in the same sentence, let alone the same mind.

I don't see why it's wrong at all. I believe that there is a higher power, and that science just makes this power more concrete. The more I learn about genomes and DNA, biology and the like, the more I am in complete awe. There isn't a way that DNA can just happen.

An instance that happened recently where scientists were able to get the components that create life, all the DNA chemicals, all the things that are needed to create a single-celled organism, the simplest that we know of. They put all of the ingredients together and, surprise surprise, the single-celled organism was created. For some reason, this shook the science world. I can see how it would, they can now say that life could have happened on accident.

But I want to see the evidence that my higher power doesn't exist. The community is such a firm believer in science, I want them to prove me wrong that my god doesn't exist with real, physical evidence that they have searched over the universe, have gone through every avenue to figure out that there isn't any such thing. Along with that evidence, I want flying pigs, and a tree that grows hundred-dollar bills. Thank you.

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