Name: Stem
Age: 23
Physical Description: 6'1", brilliant blue eyes, white short hair. She's as skinny as a stick, and her skin is unblemished white (She's freaking pale). But it's not translucent, it is solid, which is her own personal style and taste. No one has skin just like her. Her favorite appearance to look in is a white professional suit, pencil skirt, jacket that reaches all the way to the back of her hand in a point. She is short for her ethnicity, but she doesn't let it ruffle her. She doesn't let anything ruffle her.
Location: She lives in the lab housing in the main science building. Not very many actually live in the building, but her research is important enough that she needs to be near it all the time. Her apartment is small, but she only sleeps there.

Goals/Desires: to keep her job as a Bioweaponist in the higher class of Scientists. She does what she loves, and although it is terrifying, she loves the science behind it. She also wants to keep her biggest secret a secret.
Weakness/Insecurities: She is insecure about all of the politics. She's stayed single for that reason. She doesn't understand why it's so important for her to fall in love with someone in particular. All of the games and fuss about it makes her sick. She would rather go into the high caves without a mask for the rest of her life than get married. So she avoids parties and the public eye at all costs.
Pet Peeves: too much noise, which is why she prefers her own lab. When there's too much noise, she'll call people to attention, even when she has nothing to say. She also can't handle others stupidity well. She'll get impatient and sarcastic, and sometimes make the problem worse. She also hates when the stupidity of her interns makes her tests invalid.
Strengths: her mind, her determination, her self-control.
Fondest/Saddest memories: Stem's fondest memory is of her first time out in the field. She got the same opportunity as Acaia. She got to the caves after her first hike, and seeing how bright it was...it changed her. That's why she dresses in white all the time. The light from all her gadgets don't feel real to her anymore. So once a year, she takes a trip to the high caves and basks in the light.
Religion/World Philosophy: Her philosophy is that she has to kill the Aztecs before they kill her, and she is willing to do anything in order to wipe them out, including creating horrifying weapons that rip apart the body with bacteria.
Habits: Stem is really still. The only reason she moves is to do something important. When she is stressed, she shakes, shivers, like she's freezing. Same when she's angry. She's calm when she's afraid. She's serenely scary when she's under extreme pressure. She doesn't want to change anything about her appearance because she's a DNA specialist and she has already changed everything she wants.
She speaks slowly and deeply, with purpose and high education. Her presentations are powerful and moving. When she's angry, her voice shakes, and may get higher and quieter. She also knows every single language that they have. Including some Aztec.
Family: Her family is mostly gone. Her parents are dead since she was the youngest of three children. She wasn't particularly close with any of her family or siblings, but she still loved them of course. When her mother finally had her, she was tired all the time, and that way she learned to love the quiet. Her oldest sibling was a brother, who died in his late twenties in an ambush. She was about nine. It traumatized the entire family. After that, her sister started being unfair and cruel to her, furthering her descent into silence.
Favorite music/movie/tv show: She doesn't like books, or music. She likes to write books, and read them for research. But never for recreation.